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What is Ozone (O3)?

Ozone, as the triatomic oxygen compound O3, is an energy-rich form of the normal atmospheric oxygen O2, which is a diatomic oxygen compound. 


Ozone is a colorless gas with a typical odor.  Due to its strong oxidizing effect and its pronounced disinfectant properties, ozone is used worldwide for the purification of polluted water and the preparation of drinking water. 


Medical ozone is made from pure oxygen.  In an ozone generator, O2 is converted into O3 by means of silent electronic discharge.  The concentration is determined by the treating physician depending on the indication and the patient's condition. 


Because the ozone molecule is not stable, medical ozone is made on site and used immediately. 

What is Ozone Therapy?

Under no circumstances should ozone be inhaled!!  Ozone is toxic to the lung mucosa, hence the danger of ozone peaks in the atmosphere during high heat and air pollution. 


However, ozone in dissolved form is a very interesting medicine!! 

Ozone can be dissolved in water or olive oil.  However, its most important application is based on the chemical reaction of ozone with the body's own molecules (especially in blood therapy and anal insufflation). 

Forms of Ozone Therapy

Own blood therapy: this is the most frequently used form.  


Large-own blood treatment: between 100 and 250 ml of blood is enriched with ozone and flows back into the body via a drip perfusion.  


Small-own-blood treatment: between 5 and 10 ml of blood is mixed with the ozone-oxygen mixture in a syringe and injected back into the buttock. 


Ozone water: by enriching bi-distilled water with ozone for a certain period of time, ozone water is created.  This is very effective for acne, infected wounds and Helicobacter infections of the stomach,… 


Ointment: saturating olive oil with ozone for a certain period of time creates ozone ointment. This ointment lasts longer than ozone water and has the same indications as the water but is more powerful. It is particularly effective for bedsores, burns, gangrene, nail fungus and eczema.


Fumigation: with this technique, the body part to be treated is e.g. a poorly healing wound, brought into contact with ozone. After this treatment, better blood flow and faster healing are observed. 


Rectal insufflation: the ozone-oxygen gas is introduced into the intestine via a catheter. (Especially used for intestinal diseases, colitis, Crohn's). 


Intra-articular injections: are applied in rheumatology, orthopedics and traumatology. 

For which conditions is ozone useful?

There are many diseases that can be positively influenced or even cured by ozone therapy. Many scientific studies have shown this. Thanks to its favorable therapeutic results, ozone therapy has acquired an irreplaceable place in medicine in recent years. 


To ensure that you as a patient can benefit from the latest scientific developments, ozone therapists have united in the STUDY and DOCUMENTATION CENTER OZONTHERAPIE VZW (SDO), which aims to exchange experiences between doctors, patients and their to discuss indications, stimulate research,... 


Your ozone therapist can inform you for which conditions ozone therapy, which is a completely risk-free form of therapy, can be effective and useful. 

As with all other therapies, it is of course not possible to give a 100% guarantee of the therapeutic result in advance with ozone therapy.   


Ozone therapy is effective for:  


  • Circulation disorders of the brain, heart and extremities. 

  • Bacterial and viral infections (hepatitis, herpes, fungal infections). 

  • Burns, skin infections and infected wounds (open wounds and pressure sores)  

  • Asthmatic complaints and allergies. COPD (chronic bronchitis) we see fewer outbreaks of infection, the use of corticoids and antibiotics decreases.  

  • Inflammatory processes of the intestine, colitis, Crohn's disease and fistulas. 

  • Complaints of fatigue, exhaustion, hyperventilation, burn-out and weakening of the body. 

  • Mood problems and depression. 

  • Dizziness and tinnitus. 

  • Long-term and chronic pain, including pain associated with rheumatoid arthritis or pain due to damaged nerves (post-zonal pain). 

  • Fat metabolism disorders and the consequences of increased cholesterol. 

  • Eye diseases such as retinitis pigmentosa and macular degeneration. 

  • For age-related complaints such as concentration problems, memory loss, general weakness, insecurity when walking, etc. 

  • For treatments aimed at anti-aging. 

  • Before and after surgical intervention (faster recovery and fewer complications). 



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