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Easily, quickly, completely and definitively healed with neural therapy


In 1900, the German surgeon Paul Südeck described the most painful syndrome that exists: the complex regional pain syndrome CRPS. In 1940, neural therapy was also discovered in Germany by two doctors, Ferdinand and Walter Huneke. Neural therapy is the infiltration of a scar with procaine.

Recent scientific research discovered the pathogenesis of CRPS and the mechanism of action of neural therapy. The result of a small study shows the curative effect of neural therapy in CRPS.


The cause of CRPS is a scar on the body or an infectious lesion in the mouth-jaw area.
CRPS is a condition that begins insidiously with various functional complaints, including pain. After a
Trauma, often a bone fracture, CRPS evolves into the most painful condition that exists. Of this
two stages were described: a warm inflammatory and a cold ischemic stage. Some
speak at CRPS about Südeck atrophy, referring to the German doctor Paul Südeck who diagnosed the condition
Not only the disease, but also the treatment causes the patient a long suffering.
Ultimately, the patient constantly suffers as much pain as during childbirth or during amputation
finger or toe phalanx without anesthesia. In the past, many victims of this disease were diagnosed with diabetes
suicide driven by the inhuman and unbearable pain, hence the name “suicide disease”.

Neural therapy was introduced in 1940 by two German brothers, Ferdinand and Walter Huneke, both physicians.
discovers. The pain and limitation of movement of peri-arthritis scapulohumeralis, a painful one
stiffening of the shoulder joint disappeared immediately during infiltration of one
osteomyelitis scar on the lower leg with procaine. This was not a pharmacological effect of it
used procaine as healing was faster than pharmacological activity allowed. It
was the first establishment of neural therapy in the history of medicine.

Neural therapy is the infiltration of a scar with procaine or another local anesthetic.
Ferdinand Mertens from Wezemaal brought neural therapy from Germany to Belgium in 1959. It
It took a long time for the discovery of neural therapy to penetrate the scientific world. That
The therapy in Germany that emerged at the start of the Second World War plays a role in this
important role. No one, neither neural therapists nor academic scientists, understood
how neural therapy works.

Neural therapy is still wrongly used by anti-scientists
considered complementary and alternative medicine, even quackery because they date
of prejudices instead of scientific interest, study and research.

Ten consecutive patients with dystrophic warm inflammatory complex regional pain syndrome
in my practice for pain and fatigue were treated with neural therapy and in a small one
prospective study included. There were three men and seven women. The average age
was 58 years old.

Seven out of ten patients were cured after one treatment with neural therapy. With those
that were not completely healed after a first treatment, a second treatment was performed
during which two more patients were cured. After no more than three treatments, all patients were definitive
healed and completely pain free.

In this small study, all patients had an old, difficult to see scar on the skin. That
scar was responsible for the development of their complex regional pain syndrome. Sometimes it is
the cause of CRPS is an infectious process in the mouth-jaw area. Then a dental
remediation is necessary to cure the patient.

Recent scientific research has made the pathogenesis of the complex regional
discovered pain syndrome and the mechanism of action of neural therapy. These discoveries show
to cure complex regional pain syndrome simply and quickly, completely and definitively.
Neural therapy is taught at the Ferdinand Mertens Academy FMA. Every doctor with
scientific interest in the complex regional pain syndrome and/or neural therapy can
follow a two-year course.

The first year's program includes the pathogenesis of complex regional pain syndrome and the mechanism of action of neural therapy. The second year focuses on diagnostic and therapeutic locoregional anesthesia. Information about this course is published on the FMA website: As soon as at least 15 doctors are interested and register, the course will be planned and started.

Neural therapy is the only simple, fast, complete and definitive treatment of the complex
regional pain syndrome. Neural therapy is free of side effects and is performed on an outpatient basis.
It is a treatment in which superficial injections of procaine are placed in a scar. The
treatment does not destroy nerves.

Neural therapy is the treatment of choice for CRPS. In the proposed small study, a maximum of three treatments were sufficient to completely and permanently cure patients with CRPS.

Sudeck, P.H.M. « Over the acute entzündliche Knochenatrophy » Archiv für Klinische
Surgery 1900;62:147-156
Huneke F. Das Sekunden-Phänomen in der Neuraltherapie – mit einem Nachtrag von Hagen Huneke.
6. Aufl. Heidelberg: Haug; 1989

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