The Ferdinand Mertens Academy (FMA) is a scientific association founded in 2021 with the following objectives:
- Scientific study of the Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CPRS)
- Education in neural therapy and ozone therapy according to the current state of science
The Academy is named after the doctor who introduced neural therapy in Belgium.
The composition of the board is as follows:
- Peter Moulaert MD, PhD, anaesthesiologist: chairman
- Ken Dhuygelaere: secretary, treasurer and webmaster
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome is a disease of the fibroblast.
The disease has 3 stages.
The pathophysiology of the CPRS takes neural therapy out of the realm of quackery.
Neural therapy is the diagnostic and therapeutic use of a (short-acting) local anesthetic with the aim of quickly and definitively curing the CPRS. It is the medicine of the extracellular matrix defect.
Ozone therapy is the therapeutic use of ozone in medicine. Stimulate ozone reaction products including the fibroblasts